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As políticas de ajustamento e o bem-estar das famílias, na cidade de Bissau, República da Guiné-Bissau, no período 1986-2001

Dissertação apresentada no ISCTE para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Estudos Africanos Interdisciplinares em Ciências Sociais, na especialidade de Política e Relações Internacionais em África

Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE), Lisboa 2003


This research tried to clarify the effects on the households welfare of the governance on economics and social politics, specially stabilization and structural adjustment programs. Th space is one African town in Guinea-Bissau, its capital, between 1986 and 2001.

Two models of knowledge as been used: - The first based on theories built by authors mainly from universities without a strong practical concern. - The second based on the urgency found when situations require answers from internationals structures public or non profit.

The methodology used begins with the asset that the well been in an African society must be analyzed giving a significant weight to its different components and that this cannot be accomplished with one single area of knowledge. Authors from economics, social psychology, sociology, anthropology and politics are fundamental to understand the importance of governance on the well been of households.

We conclude that the stabilization and structural adjustment programs are the cause of a clear loss of independence in this African country. To establish the relationship between the households strategies and the governance we define a typology of politics on African countries and another to the different middle time households strategies. The main nationals politics actors as the government, the parliament, the president the Courts of Justice end the international as the IMF, WB, both has a share in the process of change the country to a dependent territory in temrs of the capacity of define and conduct an economics and social policy.

The households has different success strategies in economics activities specially with agriculture, non specialized work and private sector; those who preferred the commerce has dubious results; those that preferred the public administration or the public sector has the less success.

We verified that governance make a direct link between the households well being and the external conditions of definition of economics and social politics.

The conclusions about the households capacity of controlling the effects on the appropriation of resources of those politics based only on the consumption expenses, show us that is not enough to consider only this variable to analyze the evolution of well being.

The general conclusion is that even if Guinea-Bissau has a ensemble of social groups composed with about 32 racial groups with a very rich cultural and historical life, with a victorious fight for independence, with a large support from rural population to built a country based on resources enough to feed his population without military conflicts destroying people and structures, and an evolution from a only one party to a democratic political system, the country has much difficulty to give to his citizens the level of well being they want.

Tamanho 26 M
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Data dom 06-08-2008 @ 17:30
Autor Carlos Eduardo Machado Sangreman Proença


Rio de Janeiro, 1999


A Guiné-Bissau fica situada na costa ocidental da África. Sua população – de pouco mais de um milhão de habitantes – conta com cerca de trinta grupos étnicos, distribuídos em oito regiões administrativas. O país é um dos mais pobres do mundo e atravessa graves problemas de saúde. A mortalidade infantil, estimada em 1996, situa-se por volta dos 145/1.000 nados vivos. Foi documentado que, além de ser elevada, a mortalidade infantil se diferencia entre as etnias e as regiões do país. Perante a diversidade cultural de sua população e o preocupante nível de mortalidade, tornou-se urgente o esclarecimento das causas dessa diferenciação de mortalidade infantil entre etnias e regiões. Em virtude disso, este trabalho – que vai demarcar o início de um processo de avaliação do impacto da intervenção com a implantação dos programas de cuidados primários de saúde – tem como objetivo descrever os determinantes das diferenças de mortalidade por etnias e regiões entre os fatores demográficos-maternos, fatores socioculturais e econômicos e fatores de uso dos serviços de saúde, de modo a permitir a adoção de medidas e estratégias adequadas a cada etnia, as quais visam diminuir a mortalidade infantil. Maior destaque é dado aos fatores de uso dos serviços de saúde. De fato, o uso dos serviços de saúde – representado por consultas pré-natais, local de parto e cobertura vacinal de BCG e anti-sarampo – é o principal determinante das diferenciações dos níveis de mortalidade infantil entre as principais etnias e regiões do país.

Palavras chaves
: diferenças de mortalidade neonatal, pós-neonatal e infantil, etnias e regiões.


Guinea-Bissau is located at the African West Coast. The country is divided into eight administrative regions and its population of about one million inhabitants consists of about thirty different ethnic groups. The country is considered to be one of the poorest in the world and is has a considerable burden of health problems. The under-five mortality was in 1996 estimated to 145/1,000 live births. Studies have also demonstrated that child mortality varied among the different regions in the country and also among the different ethnic groups. Cultural differences among different population groups and the alarming mortality level stressed the urgency of further studies to search for explanatory factors for the demonstrated differences in child mortality among regions and different ethnic groups.
This work marks the beginning of a process of evaluation of the impact of interventions through the introduction of primary health care programmes. This thesis aims at describing the determinants of the earlier demonstrated differences in mortality by regions and ethnic groups. The paper focus on demographic and maternal factors, sociocultural and economic factors and also on the use of health services in order to identify measures and strategies to lower child mortality that are adequate for specific ethnic groups. Emphasis is put on the use of health services, when measured by antenatal care visits, place of delivery, BCG- and measles immunisation coverage showed to be the most important determinant of the differences in child mortality among the main ethnic groups and the regions in the country.

Key words: neonatal mortality, postnatal mortality, infant mortality, ethnic group, and regions

Tamanho 3050 K
Downloads 43
Data dom 06-08-2008 @ 17:33
Autor Tomé Cá
Dinâmica do Ensino Popular na Guiné-Bissau: O Caso das Escolas Populares do Bairro de Quelele : Uma Alternativa para o Futuro do Sistema Educativo

Dinâmica do Ensino Popular na Guiné-Bissau: O Caso das Escolas Populares do Bairro de Quelele : Uma Alternativa para o Futuro do Sistema Educativo

Isabel Quinhones Levy Araújo Ribeiro

Universidade Aberta
Mestrado em Comunicação Educacional Multimédia
Orientação: Professora Doutora Maria Antónia Barreto
Lisboa, Julho de 2001


O nosso estudo é realizado num bairro periférico da capital da Guiné-Bissau, um pequeno país com cerca de um milhão de habitantes, situado na costa ocidental de África.
Nele pretendemos estudar o fenómeno recente de proliferação de escolas populares num dos bairros periféricos da cidade de Bissau.
Começamos por caracterizar o Sistema Educativo do país, identificando os principais problemas e estratégias adoptadas cobrindo os sectores oficial e particular.
Procedemos à contextualização do estudo, e apresentamos a metodologia do trabalho de campo, realizando uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa. Para além do conhecimento do estado e evolução do sistema educativo na Guiné-Bissau debruçamo-nos sobre duas áreas de investigação: O Desenvolvimento Comunitário com o objectivo de conhecermos a vida do bairro, as suas gentes, actividades, e políticas de desenvolvimento comunitário levadas a cabo pela ONG local e as Escolas Populares do bairro de Quelele que caracterizamos, pretendendo-se perceber as suas dinâmicas, quem são os professores, formação que possuem.
Os Centros de Recursos Educativos fazem parte do nosso estudo pretendendo-se conhecer as suas potencialidades, propondo-se estratégias que contribuam para elevar a qualidade do ensino nas escolas populares do bairro, nomeadamente na área de Formação de Professores.
Concluimos o nosso estudo indicamos algumas pistas e orientações para um aprofundamento de certas questões consideradas relevantes. 


Notre étude a été réalisée dans un quartier périphérique de la capitale de Guinée-Bissau, un petit pays d’environ un million d’habitants, situé sur la côte occidentale de l’Afrique.
Avec cette étude nous prétendons réfléchir sur le phénomène récent de prolifération des écoles populaires dans l’un des quartiers périphériques de la ville de Bissau.
Nous avons commencé par caractériser le Système Éducatif du pays, en identifiant les principaux problèmes et stratégies adoptées en couvrant les secteurs officiel et particulier.
Nous avons procède à la définition du contexte de l’étude, présenté la méthodologie du travail de terrain, et réalisé une analyse quantitative et qualitative. Au-delà de la connaissance de l’état et l’évolution du système éducatif en Guinée-Bissau, nous nous sommes penchés sur les domaines de l’investigation: le Développement Communautaire avec l’objectif de mieux connaître la vie du quartier, ses habitants, leurs activités et la politique de développement communautaire menée par l’ONG locale et les Écoles Populaires du quartier de Quelele que nous caractérisons, en prétendant comprendre ses dynamiques, qui sont les professeurs, quelle formation ont-ils.
Les Centres de Ressources Educatives font partie de notre étude. Nous prétendons connaître leurs puissances, proposer des stratégies qui contribuent à élever la qualité de l’enseignement dans les écoles populaires du quartier, particulièrement dans le secteur de Formation des professeurs.
Nous concluons notre étude avec des pistes et des orientations pour un approfondissement des questions considérées importantes.


Our study has been made in an outlying district of the capital of Guinea-Bissau, a little West African country of about 1.000.000 inhabitants.
The work aim is to think about the new spread out phenomenon of popular schools in one of the outlying districts of Bissau city.
We’ve started with characterizing the country education system displaying the main problems and adopted strategies for both public and private areas.
We have tried to define the study context and how work was led on the field. After dealing with the situation and the evolution of its Educational System, we have focused on enquiry issues: Community Development in order to know better the district, its inhabitants and their activities, the community development policy led by the local NGO, the Popular Schools in Quelele district and how do they work, teachers and training.
We have also been interested in Educative Resources Centers. We do need to get some information as for their abilities in order to propose strategies to raise up education level in the district popular schools mainly Teacher’s Training.
Tracks and guidances to examine thoroughly important issues end the work.

Tamanho 1341 K
Downloads 68
Data seg 10-27-2008 @ 15:35
Autor Isabel Quinhones Levy Araújo Ribeiro

Dissertação de Doutoramento em Antropologia Cultural e Social apresentada à Universidade Nova de Lisboa sob orientação da Professora Doutora Jill Dias

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, F.C.S.H., 2000

Tamanho 2384 K
Downloads 64
Data dom 06-08-2008 @ 16:26
Autor Maria Manuela Abreu Borges Domingues
Guinea-Bissau: Entwicklungspolitik und der Zusammenbruch afrikanischer Gesellschaften.

Pesquisa realizada parcialmente no âmbito do projecto: A Desintegração das Sociedades
Agrárias em África e o seu Potencial de Reconstrução (PRAXIS/C/SOC/11110/1998)
financiada pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Lisboa, Portugal.

Tamanho 1148 K
Downloads 25
Data dom 06-08-2008 @ 17:10
Autor Ulrich Schiefer
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